Tim's Recreational Dive Log 4

Current Version:

Major Updated History:

October 2010 - Altered Database to make the program more universal between training groups.
Added the ability to add Equipment types.

September 2010 - Make Program Fit 800 x 600 res.

Currently working on:
Sync to PDA Program
Adding NAUI Calculations
Making Multi-User Training Records

Up Grading from before Version

All Files will need to be deleted from "My Documents / My Dive  Documents" Folder. (Not the Folders)

Deleting all the files will delete all you info you have put into the dive log.

If you want old databases upgrading to the latest version then Zip up the files in the "My Documents / My Dive 

Documents" Folder and Email them to me and I will Convert them for you.

Eventually This Will Be The Help File For This Program.
At The Moment They Are Screen Shots Of The Program And Will Gradually Develop Into The Help File.

Download it Here

Database Buttons


1. New Dive log Database.
     Use this button to create a new Dive log database.

     (It only creates Dive log databases, the databases for Training, Kit, Buddies, Clubs and Sites Do not Change.)

2. Save Database.

     Use this button to save changes to which ever database is in use.
     (Dive log, Training, Kit, Buddies, Clubs and Sites.)

3. Open Dive log Database.
     Use this button to open a previously saved Dive log database.
     (It only opens Dive log databases.)

4. Diver.
     Shows the Divers Name.

5. Database.
     Shows the name of the current Dive log database.

Sub Database Buttons/Switches
Buttons 6 to 13 act as Switches. Clicking on on of these buttons activates a Sub Database.
(When a sub database is active it is identified by a green lamp above the button.)
To deactivate a Sub Database click the button again.

6. Training Records Database.
     Use this button to Activate Training Records Database.

7. Kit Database.
     Use this button to Activate Kit Database.

8. Buddy Database.
     Use this button to Activate Buddy Database.

9. Club Database.
     Use this button to Activate Club Database.

10. Site Database.
     Use this button to Activate Site Database.

11. Not Used.

12. Tools.
     Use this button to Activate Tools and Options Panel.

13. E-Mail.
     Use this button to send me an email about the program.

14. Help.
     Link to this web page.

Dive log Sections Buttons
Buttons 15 to 17 select different section of the dive log.

15. Dive Site.
     Selects Dive Site Section of Dive Log.

     (Info about the Site and Dive Buddy)

16. Dive Kit.
     Selects Dive Kit Section of Dive Log.

     (Info about Kit used on dive.)

17. Dive Profile.
     Selects Dive Profile Section of Dive Log.

     (Info about the Profile of the Dive and Gas used on dive.)

18. Print Log.
     Selects Print Section.
     (Used to Preview and Print Dive Log.)

19. Photo's
     Selects Photo Section.
     (Used to View Photo's.)

20. Import.
     Used for importing Data from other databases.

21. PDA Sync.
     Used for Synchronizing with PDA program.

Getting Started

Install Software Get it Here: Tim's Place

Depending on what version your Operating System is, it may ask you to install Microsoft Net Framework 3.5, you need this for my program to work. (requires internet connection)

After installing the software run the program.

First you should go to the Training Page by clicking the Training Button and enter your First and Last Name and the

Serial Number. (You can use it without a Serial Number and see if you like it, the only thing disabled is the Print option)


The Serial number is FREE all you need to do is ask, email me your First and Last Name so that I can generate one for you.

Before leaving the Training Button remember to Save changes by clicking the Save Button.

Next click on the Tools Button to enter the Tools Page.

Site List

Choose the type of Flag and which Measurement you use.

Leave the Tools Page by clicking the Tools Button again.

After leaving the Tools Page go to the Dive Site Section and add New Log.

Dive Site Pannel

You Add a New Dive Log by clicking the Add New Log button. (You can only Add New Logs while in the Dive Site section)
You Remove a Dive Log by selecting the Dive Log you wish to Remove and click the Remove Selected Log Button.

The Dive Site section is where you enter details of the Site dived.
Also the Date of the Dive, Dive Number and Info on the Buddy you dived with.

This section has two Quick Fill Buttons, One next to Site Name and one next to Buddy Name.

If you have entered details of this Site in the Site Sub Database then clicking on the button next to Site Name will bring up

a list of Dive Sites to choose from and fill in the relevant details.

If you have entered details of your Buddy in the Buddy Sub Database then clicking on the button next to Buddy Name will bring up a list of Buddies to choose from and fill in the relevant details.

Entering Coordinates:
Coordinates are a Decimal Value, the numbers after the period (.) are NOT seconds and minutes but are to the Base Ten to six decimal places.

North can have a value between -90 & 90. A Positive Value represents Latitude North of the Equator and a Negative

Value represents Latitude South of the Equator.

East can have a value between -180 & 180. A Positive Value represents Longitude East of Greenwich and a Negative 

Value represents Latitude West of Greenwich .

There is a Web Button in the coordinates section which when pressed will open Google Earth in your Web Browser to the coordinates that are entered in the North and East boxes. Depending on whether the Sat checkbox is checked or not

will determine whether the Google Earth opens in Satellite View or not.

Entering Temperatures:
If you are Importing Data from a Dive Computer Database then these values may be Imported during that procedure.

Dive Kit

Here you select the Equipment that made up your Dive Kit.
You can Select / Un-Select each piece of Equipment separately by clicking on the appropriate Equipment Check Box.
If you click on a Check Box that is Un-Selected then a List Box will appear giving you a list of the available Equipment of that type to chose from. Select which Equipment to add. If you chose Equipment Numbered 000 then that type of

Equipment will not be Selected.

If you click a Check Box that is selected then the type of Equipment will be Un-Selected.
You can add Equipment that is listed in the List Box by editing the Equipment Database.

Clicking the Button Load Default Kit will select the kit you have Identified as Part Of Default Kit in the Equipment Database.
Clicking the Button Clear Selected Kit Un-Selects all Equipment.

This is as far as have got with the manual the rest are screen shots

(If there is any one good at writing manuals and wants to help out. be my guest.)

Print Preview (front)
Kit Details
Buddy List

Club List

Club List

Site List

Site List


Site List